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right of establishment การใช้

  • The agreement guarantees also right of establishment of Joint Council of Municipalities for local Serbian community.
  • The individual came into the country a third time without authorisation and married a rights of establishment.
  • Affiliated with the right of establishment is the right to move the Technical, Supervisory and Managerial staff of such entities, as well as their spouses and immediate dependent family members.
  • While service providers may establish businesses under the right of establishment they may, however, make their services available in other member states using another mode, that is, by moving on a temporary basis.
  • In defining, in Article 58, the companies which enjoy the right of establishment, the Treaty places on the same footing, as connecting factors, the registered office, central administration and principal place of business of a company.
  • Although Guernsey's inhabitants are full British citizens, an endorsement restricting the right of establishment in other European Union states is placed in the passport of British citizens connected solely with the Channel Islands and Isle of Man.
  • These worksite meetings were designed specifically for officers from the Public Service and businesses that administer processes, advise their clients with respect to Free Movement of People, Capital, Goods, Services and the Right of Establishment CSME regimes, or benefit from these rights.
  • Accordingly, the Agreement covered trade ( Title I ), the right of establishment and the provision of services ( Title II ), payments and capital ( Title III ), institutional provisions ( Title IV ), and general and final provisions ( Title V ).
  • ?the possibility for a national of a Member State to exercise his right of establishment, and the conditions for his exercise of that right, must be determined in the light of the activities which he intends to pursue on the territory of the host Member State;
  • Those provisions secure the right of establishment in another Member State not merely for Community nationals but also for the companies or firms referred to in Article 48 EC ( Case 81 / 87 " Daily Mail and General Trust " [ 1988 ] ECR 5483, paragraph 15 ).
  • 20 The situation of a Community national who moves to another Member State of the Community in order there to pursue an economic activity is governed by the chapter of the Treaty on the free movement of workers, or the chapter on the right of establishment or the chapter on services, these being mutually exclusive.
  • 110 Thus a Member State has the power to define both the connecting factor required of a company if it is to be regarded as incorporated under the law of that Member State and, as such, capable of enjoying the right of establishment, and that required if the company is to be able subsequently to maintain that status.
  • ?a national of a Member State who pursues a professional activity on a stable and continuous basis in another Member State where he holds himself out from an established professional base to, amongst others, nationals of that State comes under the provisions of the chapter relating to the right of establishment and not those of the chapter relating to services;
  • Once fully implemented the harmonized customs law and regulations are expected to provide benefits such as increased attractiveness of Caricom as a destination for foreign direct investment, increased predictability of customs procedures at ports of entry, reduced clearance times for goods and greater support for regional companies as they expand their operations in keeping with their right of establishment under the CSME.